The TV commercials below are parts of multichannel 360 degrees advertising campaigns: including print, outdoor and radio advertising, point of sales materials and digital design as well.
Safe financial insurance
Brief: Concept and create a series of videos demonstrating the benefits of buying insurance for your savings We were short on time and on a limited budget
Creator, Art Director — Rina Kuznetsova / Copywriter — Vitalina Tonen'kova
Incredibly Cheap Smartphone
Brief: show how Beeline office workers are waiting for customers with impatience to offer a favorable offer
Art Director — Rina Kuznetsova / Copywriter — Alina Zaikina
Samsung Pocket Neo
Brief: show hype around this deal unusual way in 15 seconds.
Art Director — Rina Kuznetsova / Copywriter — Alina Zaikina
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Rina Kuznetsova © 2022