My digital experience includes — creating big ideas, work with social media (concepts, design styles and write brand book and guides for SM), omnichannel marketing projects: educational quests for professionals, special projects, landings, e-mail marketing, and other activities.
Surgery King

Education quest. Screencast

Task: to offer a solution — to increase knowledge about the product, update the contact base, improve brand perception.

Solution: create a competition quest between surgeons — they should solve professional cases while getting comments from a candidate of medicine. Everyone wants to be a king in their profession. To become a king, you have to go through a lot of challenges. In fairy tales, a wise adviser always helps in this way (we have a medical expert) and magic tools (tips). Original illustrations, locations and characters help to keep the interest of completing it.

Campaign results:
  • Number of participants (surgeons): +64.8% of the plan
  • Changing the understanding of the key USP after the campaign: 67% vs 13% (at the start of the project)
  • Doctors rated the quest as an interesting tool throughout the show
Design Lead — Rina Kuznetsova / Art Director — Alexander Kireev / Designer — Olga Gutsalo
Professional talk
Education quest for pharmacists. Screencast
Led creative and design process. The project was focused on training pharmacists to study the company products, the difference between them, and practicing communication with different people in a playful way.

All KPIs planned at the start of the project were achieved:

  • 67.4% of participants completed the quest to the end.
  • Pharmacists rated the benefits of the quest for their practice by 8.6 points out of 10.
  • The quest also became an information guide for a series of visits by medical representatives.
Design Lead — Rina Kuznetsova / Art Director — Alexander Kireev / Designer — Anastasia Maslova
Looking for male power grail
Education quest. Screencast
This quest is a virtual duel between andrologists — their tasks were to solve professional cases while getting comments from a candidate of medicine. The project was designed in the Wild West theme focused on the spirit of the harsh male world.
Design Lead — Rina Kuznetsova / Art Director — Alexander Kireev /
Designers — Anastasia Maslova, Anastasia Pashedko
Be faster than pain
Education quest. Screencast
The quest is based on a racing game. Time penalty is added if you apply for a hint from a candidate of medicine or if your reply is incorrect. The doctor's task is to make decisions as fast as possible to anticipate of the patient's pain syndrome.
Design Lead — Rina Kuznetsova / Art Director — Alexander Kireev / Designer — Anastasia Pashedko
Don't make friends with viruses
Education project for parents
This is an educational game for parents that teaches them to read their kids symptoms and distinguish which of them indicate a disease and which are a false cause. In this game the parents are able to construct their kid's avatar and pick a company of his/her friends so that they can spend time together, for example a museum visit, a hike or a birthday party.
Design Lead — Rina Kuznetsova / Art Director — Alexander Kireev / Designer — Anastasia Pashedko
Happiness Star landing page
This landing page is a New Year's gift for agencie's clients. Making a wish when the star is falling down is a classic way to make your dreams come true — by designing this page my team made it possible for everyone to make their wishes for the holidays.
Design Lead— Rina Kuznetsova / Designer — Anastasiya Pashedko
New Year promo landing page
Design Lead— Rina Kuznetsova / Art Director — Alexander Kireev / Designer — Anastasiya Pashedko
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Rina Kuznetsova © 2022